My Love/Hate Relationship with Disney

In the simplest of words, when it comes to Disney, I respect the company for pushing animation forward and making the rules that animators from the smallest animation YouTuber to the largest studios live by to this day, but, I am also very uncomfortable with just how big the company has gotten recently.

I’m a Procrastinator and I Hate It!

Very recently, after putting my mind to use and actually doing some reading, I have pretty quickly come to the realization that I’ve wasted a lot of time in my life, especially during youth on unproductive things like watching YouTube all day and looking at social media when I could have used this very internet… Continue reading I’m a Procrastinator and I Hate It!

Welcome to my blog!

Hello, welcome to my blog! I am Nightfall Gloam, a 23 year old, Australian guy who is a big fan of movies, television, music and gaming! On this blog, I plan on posting my own sketches and artwork as well as any videos I might make. This blog will also be the place where I… Continue reading Welcome to my blog!